Fire and smoke damage can be extremely detrimental to the state of your oriental rug. Your fire and smoke oriental rug will probably take priority over any ordinary rug in the home because you can replace ordinary rugs, but you may not be able to replace your favorite oriental rug that has been damaged by fire and smoke damage. So what can you do in the case of fire and smoke damage to your oriental rug? The first people to contact are professional carpet cleaners such as Oriental Rug Care NY. They can help you to overcome the initial fire and smoke damage and offer some advice until you can bring the carpet in for repair. Preliminary Care for Smoke and Fire Damage Oriental Rugs In the case of fire and smoke damage to your oriental rug, there are two main recommendations to take care of. If there is any loose soot or ashes on the carpet, you can gently vacuum up or blow off any soot particles. Under no circumstances should you try to clean your fire and smoke damage oriental rug with shampoo without consulting a fire and smoke damage cleaning pro like Oriental Rug Care NY. If you follow these fire and smoke instructions after fire and smoke damage then you will be helping to greatly salvage your fire and smoke damage carpet. If the fire and smoke damage is minimal, then you may be able to take care of the problem yourself. However, you should always assess the situation with a pro and ask them first about what you plan to do to get rid of the fire and smoke damage. Types of Fire and Smoke Damage There are many types of ways that fire and smoke damage can occur to your rug. The three main fire and smoke damage reasons why you may have smoke damage is due to cigarette or cigar smoke residue, burnt food smoke or fire and smoke damage. In the case of removing smoke damage from cigarettes or cigars you can take out the odors by lightly spreading baking soda over the carpet. Make sure the area of the rug is covered by baking soda. Allow the substance to absorb into the carpet for at least 5 hours, if not overnight. In the morning, vacuum the baking soda. This should get rid of the smoke damage. Repeat the process if necessary. If you are attempting to remove a burnt food smoke smell, then repeat the same steps as eliminating cigarette smoke and after vacuuming place bowls filled with white vinegar around the carpet to continue absorbing the smell. Keep these bowls around for about 4 days. Afterwards, the smell should be removed. Eliminating Fire and Smoke Damage Obviously, the most difficult problem to solve for oriental rugs is smoke and fire damage. Within this fire and smoke damage category there are different types of Fire and smoke damage which are wet smoke, dry smoke, protein, fuel oil soot, fingerprint powder and fire extinguisher. In order to salvage fire and smoke damage oriental rugs you need to get rid of the source of the smell. If you do not, the fire and smoke damage odor will take over your home’s fragrance. Also, the soot and ashes that may have settled into the fire and smoke damage carpet will be spread and mashed into the rug every time someone walks over it. Your fire and smoke damage carpet will need a thorough cleaning. After vacuuming the fire and smoke damage residue, contact a fire and smoke cleaning professional like Oriental Rug Care NY who can thoroughly clean the carpet without damaging it.
Tags: carpet fire and smoke damage, carpet fire and smoke damage nyc, carpet fire damage, carpet fire damage ny, fire and smoke damage