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Carpet Cleaning New Jersey – How to Find Non-Toxic Cleaning Services

Friday, June 12th, 2015

New Jersey has made leaps and bounds in recent years, with regions such as Hopewell in the central part of the state having installed pavement that absorbs rainwater, for example. There are many ways that homeowners can do their part to use green-friendly or organic products as well. Carpet cleaning New Jersey, for example, is a process that used to utilize chemical cleaners on a regular basis. Today’s best cleaning services will use non-toxic, environmentally friendly alternatives. There are a number of benefits to using these natural products, including the fact that you can prevent your family from breathing in dangerous chemical cleaners. (more…)

Carpet Cleaners – Types of Carpet Cleaning Services

Friday, June 12th, 2015

For those whose carpets are looking less than fresh and new, it might be worth taking the time to learn about the various services that are offered by professional carpet cleaners. Although at home you can vacuum your carpets and apply spot treatments to lift up stains and spills, sometimes this is not enough. In fact, most experts recommend that you have a professional cleaning on an annual basis if possible, because there may be microscopic dust mites, mold, and other invisible health hazards lurking in your carpet pile. This applies whether you have full wall to wall carpeting or merely a small area rug. (more…)

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